Thursday, 20 September 2012

Great First Day at the Waterpark.... Guess who got stuck on a ride!!

Yep, Immy got stuck on one of the shoots, she was too light to reach it up one of the uphill bits, so needed rescuing.. but not to be put off she got straight back on.. the park is great, you never have to leave your ring, each ride is interconnected.. intend on spending most of day 2 there too.

School of mum and dad has kicked off.. and the guest teacher yesterday was the Maitre D from the SeaFire steakhouse. the kids now know exactly how many days a cow needs to eat grain for for it to taste superb, and how to interview a waiter all around the world to make sure you get exactly what you want for dinner. Seafire is a top top restaurant.. the Maitre D was truely brilliant, and am sure he will be well remembered by the kids, not so much because of the education, but because he let them try every pudding on the menu!! they just kept on coming.

Why the Glum face.....

After nap swim....


  1. Hi guys, lovely pics and great hearing all your news.
    Give Immy and Felix a cuddle from auntie Tyne
    Missing you all loads. Xx

  2. Woo hoo I finally managed to post something!!!!

  3. Hi Guys, thanks for the comments, having a great time, cuddles given.. Speak soon
