Friday, 21 September 2012

Day 3 at Nassimi Beach (Atlantis)

Its a pool not a beach, but it has a beach aswell... anyway awesome day had by all... Immy and Felix made friends with Ella... who was not able to answer her absence from school with quite the same elaborate story! - tut tut!


  1. All sounds great. well done Immy for getting straight back onto the ride. Can't seem to play the video bits at the moment but we'll try again later. Tootling back down to Penton Hook with H & J who leave tomorrow. Weather's been pretty decent, bit grey and chilly today. Hundreds of rowers on the river and in the locks today. Tried to squash some but kept missing. Catch up again soon. XXXXX Mum & Simon

  2. Cheers Guys... hope the weather keeps good for you.. we are now in the desert

    My filling has gone again.. this time half the tooth went with it.. no pain but will see a dentist today or tomorrow.

    Love to you all J&S&I&F
