Thursday, 31 January 2013

I'm addicted to job interviews!

An odd statement I know, but it is true, I just love them!


"Come in"
"Please Sit Down"
"Can youTalk about yourself for an hour!"

Errr! So what isnt there to love, its simple exhibitionism! bring me more!

Can I just sweep through my time in Australia going from interview to interview slowly cranking up the salary level with each one! - A professional interviewee!! - always winning never delivering!!

Truth is, with all cockyness aside, the job hunt for my second role in Australia is going very well, helped along by the fact that I got employed so quickly as a Country Manager when I arrived! Sadly though the role is not great and I am lookng forward to taking on a second position. I just need to make sure I get the right role next time!... and I need to juggle the options available long enough to give some of the better options time to mature.

And if any of those prospective companies are researching me and come across this blog -its your company I am waiting for!!

(I may need to delete this entry!)

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