Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Happy Birthday Steph! (Mummy)

Lovely evening on the Saigon river cruise. What they lack in skyline, they certainly make up for with the onboard entertainment!


Although I have to say that this skyline is heading the same way as so many others in the modern communist block (upwards!).

But without a doubt, and including the rendition of happy birthday by the dancers for Steph, and serious head and back massages for Steph and I, the best part of the evening has to be the magician. Simon Cowell may have made magic un-cool in recent years, but just look at the faces of Imogen and Felix to know that this was definately the highlight of their evening (this is just part of it, but long enough for the blog).


  1. Happy birthday stephie xxxx
    Lots of love Tyne.

  2. Wow! What an amazing magician! How cool was that Kids!! Happy birthday Steph - sorry, a bit late, it's about 4.00am on the 11th with you now! Anyway, great to read all your stuff, obviously having a terrific time. Mum is now completely besotted with her iPad. We're back on the boat heading for Henley to join Piper Boats for the launch of their new model (49ft with an aft cabin). Not quite sure why we're supporting them with this, except I've got them to do a couple of jobs on Grizzled Skipper while we're there. Anyway, it gives us a week's break from Precious Brutus & co! Oodles of love to all. Grumpy Gramps.

  3. What a birthday you had Steph amazing . The video clips were fantastic ,you are all so brave and getting so much out of every experience , it's lovely to watch albeit a very very small part of the great adventure .
    Great Skype this morning I love this iPad . I love all of you xxxx Mar ( Ganmar)

  4. Thanks all, and happy birthday to Tim for today
